Relevance-level tagging (my piece in the latest issue of Collider)

Relevance-level tagging (my piece in the latest issue of Collider)

The latest issue of the the online magazine Collider just dropped (but as of 2024 no longer exists—but you can still see the piece if you click on the link below), and it contains a piece I wrote called "Relevance-level tagging: a 'backlinks plus' approach to grouping relevant information."

Relevance-level tagging is something I've hinted at in one or two of the videos I've posted to YouTube in the past few months. It's an information-organization approach I came up with a few years ago and still use. (For information-organizing approaches I do not use, see my previous post, which is here.)

If you'd like to read my piece that appeared in Collider, click here.